Has it ever happened to you? You meet a person and it feels like "oh yeah, I know you." Some people have this gift. There is no tension. Double the wonder-full, when the person is the partner of someone you admire and share a friendship with. That's how I found myself knowing Gregory Clewlow. I called him Greg.
Gregory was a lover of music, guitars, guitar playing, skateboarding, art, photography, light... his family life with Anne, their dogs and his old and new friends. Gregory Clewlow was more dynamic than I could ever get to in words. I could talk to Greg about wild philosophical wonderings and he had a big enough mind to entertain them all and offer thoughtful insights. Encouraging was his natural state.
In my time knowing Greg, I saw the world come towards him in an interesting way. He would find lost things in his path, often valuable, and get them back to their owners. He befriended the less fortunate and was generous in essential ways, beyond what dollars could buy. He loved animals and they loved him. My little dog Buckley would squeal with a special delight when he saw Gregory coming his way. He was also a masterful printer of artwork, he nailed color so well. With Anne and their love of nature and the environment SugarPressArt.com makes it possible for Artists who rever the natural world to level up the integrity of their artwork, with sustainable choices.
As part of HEAD IN THE CLOUDS, the memorial exhibition of Gregory Clewlow's photography, his friends chose the images and many wrote down their thoughts. If you click an image on the exhibition page, the artist who chose the work and why, is written at the bottom. I found it moving and heartwarming. Getting these nuggets of Gregory Clewlow's relationship with his friends was life affirming for me. What a gift. Thank you Greg.